Thursday, September 15, 2011

Down Corn in Minnesota

Last week was spent doing demos with our dealer Minnesota Ag in Plainview, Minnesota.  We demoed the new generation BiG X and the EasyCollect corn head.  The two demos we did were in two completely different crop conditions. 

The first demo was about an hour south of Plainview, MN.  We demoed in two different fields for this customer. The first field was all down corn and the second field we went to was pretty good looking corn.  We took a BiG X 700 with an EasyCollect 7500 corn head to both of the fields.  The new generation BiG Xs are equipped with VariStream to improve crop flow and chop quality.  The VariStream really was able to show off what it is capable of in the down corn since the intake of the corn is somewhat uneven.  You can read more about VariStream by clicking here. The customer was very impressed with the new quiet and spacious cab along with the crop flow out of the spout.  The EasyCollect really showed off in the down corn by leaving the field very clean by down corn standards.

The second customer we demoed to had some maturity variation in his corn.  I was able to show him how AutoScan would help him chop to still make the best quality of silage possible.  Since the brown and green portions of the corn will ferment differently in the silage pit, it is ideal to chop the less mature (green portion) at a longer cut and the mature (yellow/brown portion) at a shorter cut.  Simply preset your length of cut for the less mature and more mature portions and the machine will detect what range of maturity the crop is and will adjust the length of cut on the go.  The customer was very impressed with AutoScan! 

Another feature the customer liked on the BiG X was ConstantPower.  ConstantPower improves fuel efficiency while reducing driver fatigue by automatically adjusting the speed (within a certain preset range) while chopping based on a preset engine RPM level.  To also reduce driver fatigue the head is equipped with row sensors that allow the machines to follow the rows.


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